Thursday, February 5, 2009

Well, it looks like Justin is coming home!! They are looking at Sunday but I might ask for a Tuesday discharge since Logan has a dr’s appt Monday and I obviously can’t take Justin with me! He is 4 pounds 10 ounces, eating like crazy and hasn’t had any brady’s. He was circumcised today and will have his sleep study tonight. If he passes he will not come home on a monitor. Tomorrow I will bring in the car seat and they will do a test to make sure he can tolerate sitting in it without his neck slumping down. I can’t believe it!! I am so nervous and excited!
Noah had his test today on his kidney and he passed! No reflux which means he will not be released on antibiotics. Yeah!! He will need to be followed by a urologist but so far so good! He did have a brady on Tuesday this past week that required stimulation so the earliest he can be discharged is Sunday but since he is still small they will wait a few more days. I also told the dr. I wanted them discharged a couple days apart. Bob has to arrange to take off work and my mom isn’t here until the 26th so I would rather wait a couple days.
Mason is lagging a little behind which is so funny since he is the biggest. I am going to go out on a limb and say he might be a little lazy! He is off the canula and still doing well. He had a couple brady’s the other day that required stim so they did do blood work and everything was ok so he will need to stay a little while longer He is eating ad lib and so far doing ok. I will see him in the morning and hopefully he will take a bottle from me. He always seems to fall asleep when I try to feed him. Maybe he just gets too cozy with me!
I have lined up a couple nurses to help out which will let me sleep a little. I know I will not sleep much but having a nurse will ease my mind. I went to Babies R Us tonight with my friend Rita who has 11 month old triplets. We got all the things that I will need that I have put off buying so I think we are ready for them to come home. It was great sharing all my fears with her since I know she was in the exact same position as we are. I also went to dinner with the South Jersey moms of Triplets which is a group I belong to on line. They all have triplets at varying ages. What an incredible support system they offer. I got to hear all the stories about when their babies came home and their fears about the bradys. It helps to know they all have healthy happy babies who have been through it too.
I have started to reduce my pumping. I had to leave dinner early because I went like 5 hours and was in a little pain. I am hoping I will sleep through the night tonight and not wake up in pain. They have given them formula at the hospital to make sure they tolerate it and they all are so I feel better. I am glad I was able to pump and give them milk for their entire stay in the NICU. I feel like it was the one thing I could do for them.
Today was my last day of work and I have to say I am happy. I can now spend the weekend preparing for the arrival.
I am very nervous about Logan and how he is going to deal with this. He is so cute and fun and I want to be able to play with him. I hope he likes helping and we are able to make some time for quality bonding. I know he will get a lot of attention from my sisters and the rest of our family who are so good with him but I know he will need his mommy and daddy too.
I cannot believe this is happening. It is so strange because I almost feel like I was never pregnant.
I will know more tomorrow so wish me luck!!


Kim Little said...

Such exciting news! I'm so happy they are doing well. I'm around this weekend so let me know if I can help in any way, even if it's just taking Logan out for a walk with Dylan.

leslie said...

OMG!!! I can't believe Justin will be coming home first!! I know you're scared, but it'll all work out. We brought Conor home at 4 lbs 10 oz. One thing that happened to us -- I thought I was supposed to feed him on demand. So, I waited for him to wake up to feed him. He would sleep for 4 or 5 hours. When the nurse called, she said if he didn't wake up on his own, I needed to wake him up and feed him at least every 2 to 3 hours, otherwise he would loose weight. So, good thing you are giving up the breast feeding. You would be feeding everyone at least every 3 hours. They would not circumcise Conor until he was over 5 and a half lbs., so he had to have it done in in a ped. surgon's office. At least you won't have to go thru that. You're gonna have to make charts for everything. You have to keep track of who ate when, who pooped when, how many diapers were changed for each baby each day, (output) and probably other things. Any meds. have to be written down, time, for each baby. I had to do all this with Nolan. He had a brady episode 3 days after I got him home and we had to rush him back to the hospital. He came home on a heart monitor and it about drove me crazy. It beeps for all kinds of reasons besides bradys , like just moving, or caughing, and I thought I would die everytime it went off. To be honest, after a few days, I just took it off and kept him near me at all times. Easier with only one baby who weighed over 7 lbs.. I'm sure they have improved them a lot over the past 17 years, though.
I talked to your mom last night , and if it is OK with you, I thought I would come up at the end of March. We will be taking Rory and friends back to the airport after spring break on like March 21 or 22, and I could take them and just get on my own plane and head up there for a week or however long you need me. That's about when you mom will be leaving you, I think. Whatever is convenient for you. We can work out the particulars later. If you need me before that, please call me. When I went in the hospital for 3 months with Nolan, I called my mother in law and asked her to come down and move in with my husband to take care of the other kids. You have got to ask for help when you need it. Trying to do everything will only put a lot of strain on you and Bob. Feeling guilty about not spending enough time with each one and with Logan is going to be " a given". Just realize it, embrace it, and ASK FOR HELP!!!!! I'll be thinking of you on Tues. Leslie

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I am so freaking excited for you guys, I can't stand i. I am sure that you are so nervous, but what a great feeling. You will figure out a routine and will have the time of your life. PLEASE keep me posted on the goings on and call when you can! We are thinking of you guys!