Saturday, January 3, 2009

I tried to write last night but bob accidentally changed the settings and everything I wrote was translated into arabic or something. Anyway, I went to the hospital and was able to hold Mason for about an hour. He was so comfy and warm and it felt so good to just rock him. My mom and dad were there with me. All the boys are doing well. Noah had his pick line taken out and they did not have to put a peripheral IV since he is on day 10 of his feeds and tolerating them well. So hopefully he won't have to get another stick. Although he has not been transfused at all and I fear that may happen soon. Justin got his pick line out also but they did put in a peripheral IV for his fluids since he is not quite as far as Noah and Mason in the feeds. He should be at full feeds in the next day or so and they will think about taking it out if he continues to tolerate them. Mason had a bit of a scare overnight. His belly swelled up quite a bit and he threw up. They think it is related to the cpap which can push air into their belllies. They gave him a supository and held his next feed. He was able to go to the bathroom and they switched his cpap to the 2 prongs in his nose and the swelling went down and he is fine now. They did an xray to be sure and it was normal. When I saw him today he looked good adn comfortable on his belly. That is definitely his favorite position. When I saw them today their nurses were very busy the whole time I was there and so I didn't get to hold anyone. Which is ok, they really were so comfy I hate disturbing them. I didn't love their nurses today. Judy was there who is one of Justin's primary's but the other 2 were new to me and they just weren't quite as kind as the usual ones. I know I have to get used to different nurses but like the ones that normally are there and I will be happy when they are back. It still is part of the holidays so a lot of them have off. Other than that, thing were quiet which is nice. Logan is feeling better and back to his old self. He will not be happy to go back to school having gotten used to being home so much. Hopefully I will be able to spend some more quality time with him over the next couple weeks.
That's all the news for now. Hope you are all having a nice relaxing weekend!

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